Let me introduce myself. I am a Physics professor from the UK, spending most of my career at the University of Cambridge, then latterly at Queen Mary University of London and now working at Sichuan University with a visiting position at Wuhan University of Technology.
My work
I am lucky because my work is also my big interest in life. I obtained BSc and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Birmingham (UK), and since then I have been lucky enough to be able to work as a professional physicist, doing research and teaching.
My interest is in the atomic structure and dynamics of materials, and how these affect the properties of materials. More details can be found in my Research page.
Personal interests
My main interest outside of work is history, and visiting historic buildings. Many of the historic buildings in the United Kingdom are medieval churches, which can be found in many villages and old towns or cities, and more majestically the great cathedrals.
In addition, I like castles and other ancient monuments and earth works going back centuries. More details can be found in my Personal page.
My pages on this web site (see the top bar for links) give a bit more information. Please contact me (from the contacts link) if you would like to know anything further.